Why the Tableau Consulting industry needs new legs.
I have a habit of taking community posts a little personally. Tableau consulting should be about the end users and not about spamming community forums with bogus solutions.
The #1 Page of Tableau consulting is most companies that are not the best at the product, did not take any formal database training courses before Tableau consulting, and generally are only getting leads because of their illegal tactics.
We do stuff like blog on different websites and network. It's important to blog on more than just your website and I've met more people blogging offsite than onsite!
Also after working with these other partners, sitting through their training classes, listening to them speak, listening to their youtube channel, reading their thousands of backlinks, and seeing their work for the past 6-7 years, I'd have to say they are the least qualified on the topic and yet they are ranking the best.
Well today, I explain how spamming links is bad, and how it will not work in the long run.
To really understand SEO spam, I needed to study a lot.
It took me over a year to figure it all out, but what I learned is most of the Tableau consulting google search is spam. Spam generated by Tableau partners to earn revenue - not to teach users the correct methods.
The glass legs are being built under the company and the only companies noticing it are Google, Facebook, Amazon, Adobe, eBay, etc.
They are noticing these mistakes and because of that, they are never going to hire a Tableau consultancy. When working for the company, it was always a big question in my mind, 'Why won't these big companies buy any consulting help. They must not need it. Or they having something better they are working on.'
If you need ranking help, we are your SEO Austin Consultants.
It drove me a little crazy while working at Tableau - the stock started dropping when first started - and I wondered if maybe there was something to it....
Oh - now I get it.
Chances are they are monitoring Tableau Consulting and get an email every time I type it. Word to you there - you will eventually lose your entire Google ranking and they will de-index your website completely. You can't hold a castle up with glass legs, just like your solutions being offered to your community, you're offering glass leg solutions, and they will always break.
When you spam a consultancy, you spam solutions, and if all of them are bad - they will all eventually break.
Because I care about people - I care about people getting the right information and let me tell you - most Tableau partners are not offering that on the Tableau software community - all they are doing is building their personal domain ranking and teaching the community the WRONG WAY...
That means every time you search something, you're always being lead into a sales funnel. The funnel isn't about you learning - it's about the link that points back to their domain.
When I was working for Tableau I was thrown on a lot of automation jobs and was tasked with building scripts for clients in beta versions in Tableau, while my competitors were building reports and cheating on the Tableau community forum.
Here's a quote from a previous consultant and a close friend.
#1 Most partners are using illegal tactics to rank their website.
#2 Most partners have consultants without any data degree.
The forecast of this shows that there is a huge market for companies that actually play fair. It will take a long time before I rank up near these companies again because I refuse to partake in their SEO strategies - and instead, I'm looking at this like the tortes and the hair.
My entire life has been surrounded by helping others, and when I see companies actually spending time coming to a community forum, and posting content that teaches others the incorrect methods because they want to earn more profit.
Now if you're like my Tableau competitors, gold partners, whatever - they have used the Tableau forum to build a massive link scheme - to build their ranking.
How can I say that?
Well, I scraped the Tableau community forums with Xenu - a free scrapping application.
Throw it in Tableau, wildcard down to what's important, focus on a company at a time, and compare it to their data scrapped by the zillions of web scrapping companies out there. I ETL those together and can see a terrible trend of spam. I don't expect Google employee would ever do this much work to mark the company as a SPAM company - I think there would be a problem here because these companies have multiple employees.
So what does that say about the business owner? That says they are out of their depths and making massive business risks. So when you ask yourself who you should send onsite to a consulting engagement, do you pick the #1 person on the search? 89% of the world does, the 11% are considering it's not the best, and the .01% will actually understand that this company is not going to be a good investment of your companies money or time.
If the business owner is out of their depths with simple links to their website, how the hell are they taking on million and billion dollar companies - and toting they are #1... They are only doing it because they built an illegal link scheme in disguise of being helpful.
I studied just the #1 Tableau partner - and realized they have been doing more illegal tactics to increase their ranking, than legit tactics. These tactics again are disguised and that just sucks because the business owner and associates took advantage of a strategy and now it will take YEARS for anyone to place above this company.
If you go look at the heavily searched topics, you will notice a massive trend of these accounts had only asked that question or maybe 2 questions before being completely inactive.
Why are people able to cheat on the Tableau forums?
That's because this Tableau consultancy knew what they were doing - and they also understand that Tableau is not optimizing for SEO - because it's not a topic for a business intelligence company.

Thousands of offshore companies are starting to take note to this type of traffic and now the #1 page has 100% link schemes in the top 10. I know no one at Tableau understands SEO enough to report these new stragglers. They are coming from UPWORK which sells SEO services... And those SEO services are now being used to rank these UPWORK vendors...
They have backlinks from junk blogs, and yet ranking on the top page. A really gross display of SEO and yet in the global eyes, they are better than Dev3lop. Which is absolutely crazy because I have nearly 20 years of programming and 100 tableau solutions under my belt. Yet, here we are, talking about how unqualified companies can dominate in ranking by using BS SEO.
This is what 100% of people run into and that's why SEO is starting to be considered a dead science - because of companies like 'BEST PARTNERS' to a software company with a community forum... and because of their management staff, employees, and executives using lazy tactics to build a company.
After discovering this, I made a great connection with an SEO company in Dallas, which wishes to remain ANON.
Just be sure to avoid UPWORK style SEO strategies, and do your best stay vigilant against these massive tech companies. They really aren't doing a great job with their engagements, I've heard more complaints coming from consultants and end users - than anything else.
For now, I will have to rank on other services because Tableau consulting services ranking - although the difficulty to rank is zero. This particular top ten page will be absolutely different in the next few years because Google's algorithm will start understanding these companies are more fake than real.
The #1 Page of Tableau consulting is most companies that are not the best at the product, did not take any formal database training courses before Tableau consulting, and generally are only getting leads because of their illegal tactics.
We do stuff like blog on different websites and network. It's important to blog on more than just your website and I've met more people blogging offsite than onsite!
Also after working with these other partners, sitting through their training classes, listening to them speak, listening to their youtube channel, reading their thousands of backlinks, and seeing their work for the past 6-7 years, I'd have to say they are the least qualified on the topic and yet they are ranking the best.
Well today, I explain how spamming links is bad, and how it will not work in the long run.
To really understand SEO spam, I needed to study a lot.
It took me over a year to figure it all out, but what I learned is most of the Tableau consulting google search is spam. Spam generated by Tableau partners to earn revenue - not to teach users the correct methods.
The glass legs are being built under the company and the only companies noticing it are Google, Facebook, Amazon, Adobe, eBay, etc.
They are noticing these mistakes and because of that, they are never going to hire a Tableau consultancy. When working for the company, it was always a big question in my mind, 'Why won't these big companies buy any consulting help. They must not need it. Or they having something better they are working on.'
If you need ranking help, we are your SEO Austin Consultants.
It drove me a little crazy while working at Tableau - the stock started dropping when first started - and I wondered if maybe there was something to it....
Oh - now I get it.
Why should I take Tableau consulting link spam personally?
Personally, Tableau consulting pays my bills, and when I'm up against a company that is literally considered the 'best of the best' - yet all of their content online shocking and missing so many fundamentals it's worth warning people, save your money.
Work with qualified consultants - not massive companies with no clue.
So, why do I take it personally? Well, I've worked with over 100+ clients, and now all I can think about is how they are googling the same stuff I'm googling, and getting the most unqualified content in return. These content was crapped out and spammed across the internet to increase ranking - and now end users are stuck with this problem.
Not everyone gets to work with Big clients! But I want you to know the reason I was able to, is because my content online isn't garbage. Yes, harsh words but the quality is greater than quantity - big companies can see what I see.
That's why companies like GoPro *the sticker*, Nielsen, Delottie, etc... worked with me - they picked me out of tons of consultants and consultancies - hourly Tableau consulting should be coming from a qualified consultant (with a degree in databases or computer science), not a round robin pick at a mega company who spammed themselves backlinks VS being the most talked about - they instead - forced that to happen.
I care about Tableau Consulting and the Future of End users.
I didn't work the last 6-7 years of my life 15-20 hrs days because I wanted the entire community to be fed bad answers.SEO Austin Consultants - we do that too
Chances are they are monitoring Tableau Consulting and get an email every time I type it. Word to you there - you will eventually lose your entire Google ranking and they will de-index your website completely. You can't hold a castle up with glass legs, just like your solutions being offered to your community, you're offering glass leg solutions, and they will always break.
When you spam a consultancy, you spam solutions, and if all of them are bad - they will all eventually break.
Why am I typing all of this about SEO and Tableau Consulting?
Because I care about people - I care about people getting the right information and let me tell you - most Tableau partners are not offering that on the Tableau software community - all they are doing is building their personal domain ranking and teaching the community the WRONG WAY...
That means every time you search something, you're always being lead into a sales funnel. The funnel isn't about you learning - it's about the link that points back to their domain.
Shame on you for building a link scheme in the Tableau Community.
Shame on you for building a company with illegal tactics. It was smart to build it in the community because that's going to be harder to prove - but because you didn't cover your tracks, and don't know much about the product - it's easy to see!
When I was working for Tableau I was thrown on a lot of automation jobs and was tasked with building scripts for clients in beta versions in Tableau, while my competitors were building reports and cheating on the Tableau community forum.
Here's a quote from a previous consultant and a close friend.
"I stopped using the Tableau community forum because it's obvious what these partners are doing - because no matter how right my answer is, the answer always goes to Tableau's #1 partner and the accounts asking the question are absolutely bogus"
-Anon quote from Previous Tableau Employee.I asked other Tableau consultants - while working at the company - and they all said similar problems, no matter how good their answer was - the correct answer always went to a partner. (that's because the partner built the question account - and you would think with that much effort you would at least try to give the best possible answer)
Why take tableau community posts personally?
When you spend hundreds of hours on a solution, and the entire company uses it as a means to solve that problem, you paste it on the Tableau community - and boom - #1 partner of Tableau gets the answer correct.
Well, I researched that community 'leader' and nearly every correct answer was given to them in this fashion, and the account was never used again. That's why they rank on the #1 page. They are essentially teaching the entire community the wrong ways to use the product, labeled as the best consultancy, and I hope you understand what that means for the future of the Tableau community forum.
It's going to get worse and worse, and worse. With every new day, someone will catch on to what these partners have been doing for years, and they are starting to do it, in extremely high numbers.
I studied this SEO, and researched the authenticity of every Tableau consultancy.
Most are fake companies, and the rest have done illegal tactics to rank. My current website https://dev3lop.com - was ranking in #11. But after seeing how trashy everyone's SEO portfolio was, I decided to go back and clean up my backlinks - because I originally wanted to do something similar to what these partners did.
Again - after seeing everyone's fake link profiles and terribly generated community posts - I decided to clean my SEO up. Why? Because my website is spanking the sh1t out of everyone's page scores. (that's because the EGO in the data industry is absurd - they don't take the time to learn new technology and instead - spam the every living out of their domain.)
Did you study the Tableau consulting ranking well enough?
I actually studied SEO of every Tableau partner - and researched the authenticity of these backlink schemes.#1 Most partners are using illegal tactics to rank their website.
#2 Most partners have consultants without any data degree.
The forecast of this shows that there is a huge market for companies that actually play fair. It will take a long time before I rank up near these companies again because I refuse to partake in their SEO strategies - and instead, I'm looking at this like the tortes and the hair.
My entire life has been surrounded by helping others, and when I see companies actually spending time coming to a community forum, and posting content that teaches others the incorrect methods because they want to earn more profit.
Google will ban you for this eventually, the algorithm will catch up to your cheating. Eventually.
Google will eventually ban 80% of the Tableau consulting indexed pages because that's about how much is using illegal tactics to rank their website. The Top Page of google for Tableau Consulting has several real companies using 'questionable' tactics - but I don't think to report them for SPAM will be effective because...
They built their ranking by generating fake accounts - answering the question, and marking that question as correct. That may seem like NO BIG DEAL.
But considering the average person only reads the top half, and scans the rest, that means thousands and thousands of Tableau Customers are always getting the incorrect answers. If you don't believe me, just take a look at the person 'asking the question.'
Generally, there is always a better answer than what's marked as correct on the Tableau Community forum. They try to mask that by linking to their 'author' page - which is not about bringing you to the author page, it's about ranking their website.
Why community posts need to remain transparent and healthy for Tableau Software future.
Without a healthy community, you have indexed pages with incorrect solutions, and those incorrect solutions are in place by the companies best partners - this generates a problem for end users, people trying to build a tableau consultancy, and consultants helping users are continually doing the wrong thing in every workbook, over and over and over.
Now fast forward ten years from now. This isn't sustainable.
Bad Link Strategy will Destroy Most Tableau Professional Service Companies.
Because if you're a Tableau consultancy with hundreds of consultants, and you're only getting engagements because you built poor link strategy and answered most questions poorly... Then you're turning a generation of Tableau users into bad users - not because of your skill level - rather it's because these partners of care more about profiting than helping the users.
Which is silly, if you hear the story on how some started, they have numbers like - we saved a company 20million using Tableau - and boom a company is born.
My response:
"I helped a company earn 60million in a two week sprint using Tableau. But you won't see me using that as a means to build my brand." -Tyler Garrett
Tableau consulting outlook?
This means anyone trying to build a Tableau consulting company has to work a thousand times more to catch up because these mega companies are faking their ranking inside of the forum.
Now if you're like my Tableau competitors, gold partners, whatever - they have used the Tableau forum to build a massive link scheme - to build their ranking.
How can I say that?
Well, I scraped the Tableau community forums with Xenu - a free scrapping application.
Throw it in Tableau, wildcard down to what's important, focus on a company at a time, and compare it to their data scrapped by the zillions of web scrapping companies out there. I ETL those together and can see a terrible trend of spam. I don't expect Google employee would ever do this much work to mark the company as a SPAM company - I think there would be a problem here because these companies have multiple employees.
So what does that say about the business owner? That says they are out of their depths and making massive business risks. So when you ask yourself who you should send onsite to a consulting engagement, do you pick the #1 person on the search? 89% of the world does, the 11% are considering it's not the best, and the .01% will actually understand that this company is not going to be a good investment of your companies money or time.
If the business owner is out of their depths with simple links to their website, how the hell are they taking on million and billion dollar companies - and toting they are #1... They are only doing it because they built an illegal link scheme in disguise of being helpful.
I studied the Tableau consulting partners And the Community
I studied just the #1 Tableau partner - and realized they have been doing more illegal tactics to increase their ranking, than legit tactics. These tactics again are disguised and that just sucks because the business owner and associates took advantage of a strategy and now it will take YEARS for anyone to place above this company.
If you go look at the heavily searched topics, you will notice a massive trend of these accounts had only asked that question or maybe 2 questions before being completely inactive.
Why are people able to cheat on the Tableau forums?
That's because this Tableau consultancy knew what they were doing - and they also understand that Tableau is not optimizing for SEO - because it's not a topic for a business intelligence company.

Thousands of offshore companies are starting to take note to this type of traffic and now the #1 page has 100% link schemes in the top 10. I know no one at Tableau understands SEO enough to report these new stragglers. They are coming from UPWORK which sells SEO services... And those SEO services are now being used to rank these UPWORK vendors...
They have backlinks from junk blogs, and yet ranking on the top page. A really gross display of SEO and yet in the global eyes, they are better than Dev3lop. Which is absolutely crazy because I have nearly 20 years of programming and 100 tableau solutions under my belt. Yet, here we are, talking about how unqualified companies can dominate in ranking by using BS SEO.
This is what 100% of people run into and that's why SEO is starting to be considered a dead science - because of companies like 'BEST PARTNERS' to a software company with a community forum... and because of their management staff, employees, and executives using lazy tactics to build a company.
After discovering this, I made a great connection with an SEO company in Dallas, which wishes to remain ANON.
"Tableau Consulting will always be hard to rank on because the companies in the Top Ten search are using illegal link schemes to rank. Stay the course and you will have the most authority on these topics."
- Seo Go FishThere's really not going to be any transparency across these partners and things will continue as normal. Regrettably, any partner management role will not be going to a technical SEO expert who can check the validity of companies profile and authority. The community has to figure this out on their own, regrettably.
Just be sure to avoid UPWORK style SEO strategies, and do your best stay vigilant against these massive tech companies. They really aren't doing a great job with their engagements, I've heard more complaints coming from consultants and end users - than anything else.
For now, I will have to rank on other services because Tableau consulting services ranking - although the difficulty to rank is zero. This particular top ten page will be absolutely different in the next few years because Google's algorithm will start understanding these companies are more fake than real.