BI consultant buys Greatest Hits Customization Pack

Halo 5 Greatest Hits Customization Pack with a BI Consultant

Want to play halo 5 with a BI consultant? I love blogging

My wife and I just unlocked the Greatest Hits Customization Pack, and here's the results.

Mostly armor. I'm assuming weapons will be limited per Pack. 

My wife got these great weapons. We both got the assault rifle, and she got this really cool pistol and matching armor below!

My wife unlocked the 100,000 point unlock sit me! Halo 5 Greatest Hits Customization Pack really paid off for both of us!

Btw, try ranking with Austin SEO today!

Ultra Rare and 3 stars! Never seen it before :-) on Halo 5!

Here's my unlocks, deadeye armor ultra rare, Noble team legendary assault rife, although I'm using the red one right now. Seen below.

Ba,boo?. Cool name


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